#11005 GM Streamliner (USA, 1936)

Scale 1/43


Die einzigartige Werbeflotte

USA, Florida, Lakeland – 11. Februar 1936:

Zum ersten Mal parkten insgesamt acht riesige, busähnliche Lastwagen auf einer großen Wiese in Reih´ und Glied, inmitten eines großes Zeltes, auf dem in riesigen Buchstaben die beiden Letter GM und etwas kleiner der Zusatz „Parade of Progress“ zu lesen waren.


Das nahezu gesamte Personenwagen-Sortiment des GM-Konzerns parkte wohlgeordnet auf dem großzügigen Grün, und unzählige Personen strömten in endlosen Reihen auf das Areal. Es herrschte auf dem gesamten Platz das ausgelassene Gefühl eines Jahrmarktes, und das war es auch, was der Veranstalter wollte. Organisiert wurde das Event von einer rollenden Flotte, die vom amerikanischen Fahrzeughersteller GM – General Motors – als Promotion-Tour ins Leben gerufen und von dem Autokonzern auch eigens finanziert wurde. Aus heutiger Sicht war diese Darbietung ein Meisterstück der Werbestrategen, das auch noch durch seine besonderen Lastwagen für Aufmerksamkeit sorgte. Hauptbestandteil des fahrenden Trosses waren acht Lastwagen, die extra für die „Parade of Progress“ gefertigt wurden – in der unteren Hälfte rot lackiert, im oberen Bereich chromfarben glitzernd. Das Fahrwerk stammte aus der Lastwagenfertigung von GM, der Motor von der Konzerntochter GMC, und der Aufbau wurde bei der Firma Fisher gefertigt. Die einzigartige, stark kastenförmige Optik sorgte für hohe Aufmerksamkeit bei allen Gelegenheiten. Dabei schien es nebensächlich, dass die eingebauten Motoren sehr schwach für die Lastwagen waren. Immerhin das maximale Konvoitempo von 40 Meilen pro Stunde (64 km/h) konnten sie problemlos erreichen. Das 4-Gang Getriebe war so abgestuft, dass im ersten Gang ein fast schon schleichendes Tempo auf der Ebene gefahren werden konnte. Bei Bergauffahrten half die kurze Übersetzung aber genauso wie auch bei dem Weg hinab, wo die Bremswirkung des ersten Gangs oftmals die schwachen Bremsen unterstützen musste.


Bei diesen Werbezügen waren bis 1940 die acht Streamliner jährlich im Einsatz. Danach wurden sie durch ein komplett neues Design ersetzt und verkauft – keiner der ursprünglichen Lastwagen hat bis heute überlebt.



The Unique Advertising Fleet

USA, Florida, Lakeland – on 11th of February 1936:

For the first time, eight huge trucks, which were very similar to busses, were parking on a large meadow in rank and file, in the middle a big tent on which you could read in big letters, GM and the smaller addition “Parade of Progress”.


The nearly whole assortment of passenger cars of the GM-group was parking on the spacious lawn, and countless persons streamed in endless rows inside the area. On the whole scare there has been a boisterous feeling of a funfair, and that was exactly what the organizers wanted. This event was organized by a rolling fleet, which was originated by the American vehicle manufacturer GM – General Motors – as a promotion tour and was also financed completely by the car company. From today’s point of view, this presentation was a masterpiece of advertising specialists, which also attracted a lot of attention of its special trucks. The main inventory of the driving retinue were eight trucks, which were especially produced for the “Parade of Progress”. They were red colored in the lower half and glittered in chrome colors on the upper part. The chassis was taken from the truck production of GM, the engine came from the subsidiary GMC, and the truck superstructure was manufactured by the company Fisher. The unique, quite boxy optics attracted great attention at all opportunities. It was completely secondary that the installed engines were very weak for the trucks; however they could reach a maximum convoy speed of 40 miles per hour (64 km/h) without any problems. The adjustment of the four-gear-transmission allowed the trucks to be very easily driven at step speed. This short gear transmission also helped when going uphill as well as going downhill, where the braking effect of the first gear often had to support the weak brake.


Until 1940 these eight streamliners were in use for the “Parade of Progress” every year. Then they were replaced with completely new designed trucks and sold – none of the original Streamliners survived until today.



Una Flotta Pubblicitaria Unica nel suo Genere

Stati Uniti, Florida, Lakeand, 11 Febbraio del 1936:

Per la prima volta, otto grandissimi camion, molto simili a bus erano parcheggiati in un grande campo schierati come se fossero truppe; al centro di un grosso tendone dove si poteva osservare il logo GM a grandi lettere e sotto la piccola aggiunta: “Parade Of Progress”


Quasi tutta la gamma delle vetture stradali del gruppo GM erano parcheggiate nella spaziosa hall, ed innumerevoli persone fluivano in file interminabili dentro le aree; Nel trambusto generale c’era una sensazione di chiasso simile ad un Luna-Park ed era proprio quello che gli organizzatori volevano; l’evento fu organizzato da una flotta internerante, che fu gestita dal costruttore di Veicoli Americani  GM (General Motors) come Tour Promozionale e fu finanziata completamente dall’azienda automobilistica. Dal punto di vista odierno, questa presentazione fu una pietra miliare per gli specialisti della pubblicizzazione; dato che ebbe un grande seguito per via dei suoi furgoni speciali. La Numerosa Flotta di veicoli era capitanata da otto camion che erano stati costruiti appositamente per la Parade of Progress; erano verniciati di Rosso nella parte inferiore e cromati con glitter nella parte superiore; il telaio fu convertito dai Truck prodotti dalla General Motors, il motore fu derivato dalla produzione della GMC; e la sovrastruttura del camion fu realizzata dall’azienda Fisher; le particolari forme squadrate dei veicoli attraevano grandi sguardi in tutte le occasioni; fu una cosa completamente secondaria il fatto che I motori installati non erano eccezionalmente performanti per I camions; tuttavia potevano raggiungere una velocità di crocera pari a 40 Miglia Orarie (64 Km/h) senza problem; gli accorgimenti alla trasmissione a Quattro rapporti consentivano ai camion di esser guidati con semplicità durante il passo velocizzato;  questa trasmssione di pochi rapporti inoltre ha aiutato durante I percorsi in salita che in discesa, dove l’effetto di frenata causato dalla prima Marcia spesso doveva supportare I freni in difficoltà.


Fino al 1940 questi otto Camion aerodinamici venivano utilizzati per la Parade of Progress ogni anno, finchè vennero sostituiti con nuovi camion ridisegnati appositamente per l’evento; nessuno dei Streamliner originali è sopravvissuto fino ad oggi.



D-11005 GM Streamliner.pdf
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E-11005 GM Streamliner.pdf
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I-11005 GM Streamliner.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.1 MB





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